
And if Stone doesn’t get a presidential pardon, he can always just tag along the next time Joker breaks out of Arkham.

Knowledge was the real giant tuna.

His name is an anagram for ‘bad killer’, and this movie sounds gloriously terrible enough that that might actually be deliberate.

“It’s a big ol’ sea out there, and a long fishin’ trip. I reckon it’ll be easy to lose a guy in ten days.”

Since there doesn’t seem to be a Spoiler Space for this movie, I guess I’ll just reveal the villain here:

“Next up on Fox News: Donkey Kong. Who is this dangerous girlfriend-kidnapping simian? Why does he want to redistribute your barrels? And how has he influenced hard-left radical ‘Sandy’ Ocasio-Cortez?”

But we already have a perfectly good London-set psychological horror-thriller. It’s called BBC Parliament.

He’s a boorish, barely-literate, misogynistic, cheese-brained old racist who managed to convince 62 million people that he was fit to be President.

In the original draft, the threesomes are explained by Clint grumbling that it takes two Mexicans to do the job of one American.

Based on his one line in the trailer, I’m going to speculate that he’s basically a decent guy but a bad influence.

Has nobody pointed out the glaring continuity error here? I can accept Spidey being alive, but there’s no way Brexit Britain won’t have caught fire and slid into the sea by the time this is released in July. Maybe they can insert some background food riots in post-production.

According to my research, a paperback copy of Watchmen costs at least $17.99. That doesn’t look like the reading material of a girl who struggles!

Biff! Pow! Anguished death-rattle! Comic book movies aren’t just for kids anymore.

Typical AV Club Marvel fanboyery! If Captain America is so great, how come he doesn’t snap anyone’s neck and look really sad about it?

a very earthbound neo-noir

the actual facts surrounding Parks and segregation in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955

Holmes and Watson are camping. Holmes squints gnomically up at the night sky. “Tell me, Watson,” he says. “What can you deduce from those stars?”

If I wanted to express a contrarian, ‘brave’ opinion just to get attention, I’d be...well, you, I guess. Hard pass.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.