
Captain America really is great at evoking that simpler, more innocent time when everyone could agree that punching Nazis was a Good Thing. Man, remember 2011?

I tried watching a censored airline version of Deadpool 2 on a flight recently, but gave up around the time his old blind friend accused him of having a "pity duck" in his mouth.

For me, the best part wasn’t even the Christoph Waltz headshot, but the fact that Surefire Intelligence’s ‘Tel Aviv Station Chief’ was an Israeli supermodel. Was this really a political smear job, or a backdoor pilot for a reboot of late ‘90s Pamela Anderson show VIP? And which would be more monstrous?

1. Why do the Imperial gunners let the escape pod go when they know there could potentially be droids on board with important information? Why not blow up the pod just to be safe?

Fun fact: Dixon-Wanamaker Expedition To Crow Agency made the list as the first film to spark an ugly flame war. The 1908 letters pages of the National Geographic were bitterly divided between people claiming it was a masterpiece and others who insisted it was SJW crap.

Wait, You’re Telling Me That Wasn’t The Last Unicorn? Ah, Shit.

Look Enrico, now you’ve gone and offended this crab person.

I was thinking more of all the guff about a ‘swashbuckling, global Britain’. And ‘get the fook out’ is mostly just red meat for the voter base, anyway. Disaster capitalists don’t mind having a cheap, exploitable foreign workforce so long as it’s not too visible in the Home Counties.

Also, Mary Poppins Returns is clearly from the same school of fuck-it-that’ll-do children’s classics sequel naming as What Katy Did Next, Heidi Grows Up, and Oh, You Like Oz, Eh? Fine, More Goddamn Oz.

Meanwhile, my unproduced screenplay imagines a world where tasting anything immediately gets you killed, and the huddled remnants of humanity survive on English cuisine and Karen’s potato salad.

A powerful, roaming city of London that swallows up weaker nations honestly sounds like a Brexiteer’s wet dream. And they did propose dealing with the Northern Ireland border issue by deploying blimps, so there’s already a strain of steampunk in their thinking (if ‘thinking’ isn’t too strong a word for it).

leev peps1 a10ne! at leest she supp0rt5 awr tr00p5 in the midwe5t rad1at10n z0n3

I worry about how all this will affect his writing for the new trilogy, to be honest.

There’s a bit in the cyberpunk game Deus Ex: Human Revolution where you’re given the option to have your brain implant upgraded, free of charge, as part of a general software update. Later, the update is revealed as a secret mind control protocol and used to send cybernetically-enhanced people around the world into

That’s just hake news.

Oh, such a hero. Did you know that after the Koch brothers, Aquaman and his Atlantean friends are the biggest funders of climate change denial? They can’t wait for those rising sea levels.

He’s...a senior landed aristocrat, with interests in the development of new chemical industries?

You're not the only one! And I beg your pardon, of course that should have read "in LA...'s fishy-smelling southern commuter belt".

I think it was treading way too deliberately in the footsteps of The Lost World, but just completely failing to nail the dinos-on-island -> oh-shit-dinos-on-mainland arc. The Lost World asked the very solid question: what would happen if a T-rex got loose in LA? The answer turned out to be pretty stupid, but a yappy

So much for the tolerant left.