
And now a preview of the sequel, Columbus Vs The Mob.

By now, October 31 should be a day of martial law in Haddonfield. How many horny teenagers have to die before the sleepy, fictional Midwestern town bans trick-or-treating, outlaws William Shatner masks, and puts a small army on every leaf-covered street corner?

But the review left out the most important thing for a Trump-inspired dating app: how accurate is the “% resemblance to my own daughter” filter?

The 1890s equivalent of an after-school special, but for children too busy working 12-hour days in a canning factory to attend school.

It’s the gritty reboot of Gilded Age comic strip hero The Yellow Kid.

I wonder how many Fox viewers are both outraged over this First Man flag business, and simultaneously believe the conspiracy theory that the Moon landing was faked. 

Some people just cling to their radiators and refuse to accept the Dutch oven as a greener form of winter heating.

Experts have been warning for years that Big Dick Energy is a non-renewable resource. Maybe now Pete Davidson will finally wake up and investigate solar and wind power.

“Ms Rowling, can you understand why fans are upset that-”

Ryan Coogler returning to the director’s chair, and also its writer’s, uh…desk?

the Music Modernization Act will ensure that songwriters and musicians receive royalties on songs recorded before 1972

Bonus special edition comment:

“Look into the eyes of a Porg and you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. They are the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creatures in the galaxy.”

BREAKING: The estate of David Bowie has just published a poem from one of his notebooks titled ‘Leonard Cohen Is Not Tesla’. More on this posthumous celebrity feud as it comes in.

I like Drew Goddard and will definitely see this, but I’m a bit mystified by the choice of genre. Is the verbose Tarantino-biting mid-90s neo-noir a genre that really deserves this kind of revival or homage? Most of those films were (whisper it) not very good.

No zombie Rasputin with talking bat sidekick, no sale.

Truth be told, the film’s big dramatic theory, that Armstrong channeled his bottomless grief into an unbreakable work ethic, is a little pat...

“That’s one small step for giant leap for mankind.” - Neil Armstrong, 1969.

“Good morning, Ms Bond. I hope you had a good weekend.

“I miss the firm, impermeable border that existed between entertainment and politics for all of time before 2016. Now I can’t even enjoy a review of a Leni Riefenstahl box set without some crybaby libs dragging politics into it.