
Can you be certain of that? Maybe he was just given some bad information.

And all over the country, teary-eyed white supremacists sadly delete their half-finished close readings of ‘Bad Blood’.

Confirmed: Mandalore is Space Virginia.

If you’re going to do a Spidey side character movie, just give the people what they want and get J.K. Simmons back. I’m picturing a J. Jonah Jameson prequel where the cub reporter discovers his hatred of spiders on assignment in Australia, and shouts at people a lot.

After Killing Pablo and now Loving Pablo, I’ll look forward to Marrying Pablo to complete the Fuck, Marry, Kill Trilogy.

In a disclaimer that appears on tickets and on a sign inside the club, the Comedy Cellar warns that they “never know who is going to pop in,” and you’re free to leave if an “unannounced appearance is not your cup of tea.”

I don’t know if it lends credence to the claim, but “You owe it to me to let me see you naked” does sound like a total Pete Campbell line.

I’m going to let Ubisoft’s chief DNA scientician field this one.

It’s almost a reflex now to bash the scifi present-day plots in the AC games, and there is definitely some very silly stuff in them. But I’ve always liked the framework for how it presents the main historical setting as something constructed and not necessarily trustworthy, by the Animus or the Templars/Assassins

[Sighs, take two sock puppets from a drawer.]

It’s definitely not one I appreciated on first viewing, but the kids being excited at the prospect of sneaking in to an R-rated movie called Barton Fink is a real gem.

STAR WARS Episode IV: A New Flesh.

All I know is the film had better end with Taron Egerton’s Elton John doing his extended cameo in Kingsman 2, starring Taron Egerton.

Bear Stearns? I thought they went bust.

I hope the pressure cracks Kavanaugh like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, and he makes his final statement in full-on raging frat douchebag mode.

I think ur a contrarian, is all.

Seeing as how Rocky IV ended the Cold War, I can’t wait to see how Creed 2 saves Russo-American relations this time around. 

I think another typo in the production process assumably explains the chronological confusion here. Hopping from 2248 to 2298 and back to 2245 is just one of the hazards you face when you’re fighting the Predater.

I assumed it was a metaphor for the conflicts between modern and second-wave feminists.

Careful, Kit. When your hair is the most charismatic thing about you, it’s only a matter of time before it decides to ditch the dead weight and launch a solo career. Never forget: