
“Officials are now denying the existence of the vigilante genitalia known as ‘the Batpeen’, insisting that sightings were - excuse me, we now cut to a live development.”

Outside of the courtroom, Knight’s daughter said that she was “surprised he pleaded out” because “normally he likes the cameras to be on him 24/7.”

I’ll admit, some innocent pee tapes might get caught up in the dragnet. You made your bed.

I think shes exactly what the world needs right now

Why should I believe you? You’re Hitler!

Look, there could be a lot of reasons why she burns down Bill Pullman’s house and sows the ground with salt in While You Were Sleeping.

So many rom-coms based on self-help books, and yet this classic has never had an adaptation:

[Bruce Wayne puts down red telephone, squints.]

“You’re looking a little pale, buddy. How did that heist in Acme Chemicals go last night?”

Cast Vincent Kartheiser as a needy, attention-seeking Joker, and I’ll go see it five times on the opening weekend.

Let’s just pause to appreciate the fuckbonnets of earlier, simpler times.

I feel like the thing everyone remembers about TWINE is Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist in hotpants, which, fair enough: awful. But it also had that great opening boat chase, Robert Carlyle, and a terrific Patty-Hearst-dialled-up-to-11 femme fatale in Sophie Marceau.

Which would you prefer? Either you get normal ads between shows, or at intervals next season the Stranger Things kids will turn to the camera and start talking about the smooth, rich flavour of Camel cigarettes.

Hey now. We can all agree that Die Another Day was a shitshow, but I still have very fond memories of GoldenEye, and The World Is Not Enough to a lesser extent.

Superman read the reviews of Syfy’s Krypton and died of patriotic shame.

And it’ll be especially awkward writing Superman out of the films when the old “I have to go now, my planet needs me” excuse isn’t possible.

I like to imagine the characters of all three franchises living together in a quirky small town where everyone knows each other’s business. I call it Stars Hollow.

“Drain the swamp! (Because its mud allows my prey to confuse my thermal vision.)

It’s great to see the Predator having a late-career renaissance like this, especially after he got passed over for The Expendables and Jesse Ventura stopped returning his calls.