
If the Vatican is involved, we all know how this ends: the murderous demonic nun gets quietly moved to another parish.

I feel like the reverse of these shots would be even better. Who wouldn’t like to imagine Trump standing about quietly on an ice floe, thousands of miles from human civilisation?

See, I would have guessed that this was the result of an overworked casting director trying to juggle The Predator and To Catch A Predator and getting mixed up.

Frank Castle’s family were enjoying a picnic in Central Park when they were killed in the crossfire of a mob hit. Vowing revenge, Frank becomes The Punisher - a murderous vigilante out for revenge.

I’m imagining George Smiley teaming up with Jack Bauer and being horrified by all the gunfire, waterboarding, and bad language.

All patriotic Americans should go see new Dinesh D’Souza documentary Peppermint this weekend. Carnage on our borders must stop!

Tagline: When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They should have.

“Get me pictures of Spider-Man!”

Howell is careful to point out that his examination of pop culture isn’t designed to tear movies apart for bending the rules of real-world science.

Eh, I prefer my Jaime Lannister fan fiction with more sex and Babylon 5 cameos.


As a soft reboot of the franchise, they really dropped the ball here by not replacing the old William Shatner mask with a Chris Pine one.

Whenever someone dramatically and publicly quits Twitter then slinks back a few weeks later, I think of you.

Don’t antagonise the Purge enthusiast, Generic Indie Kid. You want to get your house besieged by a slavering mob of AV Club writers?

Sounds like this needs a Hard mode where Spider-Man has a Guilt meter. If he misses too many crimes or social engagements, you get this Game Over screen:

The worst part of Purge night is the annual nervous email from your grandmother asking how she can do “the torrent” of the latest season of CSI.

Of all the miraculous resurrections Marvel Comics have ever pulled, the coal industry is maybe the most unbelievable.

With just a little more time, producers are confident that technological advances will allow unmanned drones to play in homoerotic shirtless volleyball games.

I lost it at the guy who primly declared that his refined palate would only be consuming prequel content from now on. Enjoy that, pal.
