
Now look, there’s a clear and obvious line between good-natured fun (mocking disabled people, bragging about sexual assault, inviting foreign powers to attack your democracy) and crass, unacceptable humour (anything Trump hasn’t done or said, yet).

But in that timeline, we’re all too busy labouring in SJW feminazi socialist reeducation camps to really get psyched about GotG3.

But if everyone quit Twitter we’d have to escalate nuclear tensions the boring old-fashioned way, with war games and long speeches and aerial photographs.

I guess I always thought it would be the Clarissa Explains It All jokes that drove him away in the end. Best of luck, Sean - you’ll be missed.

But if Batman is the one whose wedding was spoiled, why is petulant media-hungry billionaire Bruce Wayne tweeting angrily about the “sad failing @NYTimes”?

I’m sure it was revealed as one of his superpowers back in those Golden Age comics where he played cruel mind games with Lois or Jimmy.

It’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, but if you watch Cavill’s left hand closely you’ll see it dips out of shot and then returns with a handful of spinach which he shoves into his mouth.

I’ve recently been playing and enjoying Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth, AKA, The Other Game With Pillars In The Title This Year Damn It What Were The Odds.

Take it away, Mercutio.

And the sad absence of Spring-heeled Jack, the Terror of London.

Pedantic pushing-my-glasses-up-my-nose note: Frankenstein’s original readers lived in the Regency period, not the Victorian period. It is interesting how often the monster is lumped in with later horror creations, though - I’m looking at you, Penny Dreadful.

BREAKING: America’s top diplomat Chris Christie has arranged a summit to defuse tensions between his namesakes.

Also incriminating: characters in the Westworld game will occasionally get mysterious flashbacks to previous lives in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

“Locked in...job security...vacation time...”

[Alarm bells ring in AMC as they struggle to find another person still willing to watch The Walking Dead.]

But is this behaviour the product of too many swirlies and pantsings at formative years, or too few?

Every episode will start with two early ‘90s Valley girls commentating “Oh my God, Becky, look at her attractive split-level three-bed house. It is so big.”

the pair—who have reportedly been shopping a “two fame-hungry Italian-American guys blurt things” talk show

“So, what are you into?”

The climax is Diana fighting Dionysus on top of a speeding truck full of New Coke.