
Funnily enough your first sentence is the premise of my next slash fic, ‘Tudyk, 1 Cup’.

And as an added bonus of the practical effects, maybe they can now make back some of the movie’s budget by selling the alien costumes as Halloween costumes.

One lingering concern I still have about The Last Jedi is the slightly creepy use of CGI to replace a dead actor. Hugh Hefner had only been gone a few months - couldn’t they just have recast Snoke?

Well, this is a recognisable IP being remade by a modern studio. To get the whole story arc you’ll also have to sit through A Star Is Born Part 2: The Desolation of Fame, and A Star Is Born Part 3: The Battle of the Five Emmys.

Seabiscuit could have achieved even more if not for the influence of his no-good drinking buddies.

In the next sequel, the dinosaurs learn how to do Lambada - the forbidden dance.

In the UK, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning probably qualifies as a dour late ‘50s variation on the theme.

But why is the old man from Boston Legal writing novels about Chris Pine?

That’s what I love about these high school coming-of-age movies, man. I get older, they stay the same age.

One of the early trailers for this included a shot that appeared to show a fancy black market auction almost exactly like the one in Taken. So personally, I’m hoping the third-act twist is that they saved the dinos because there are a lot of oligarchs and Gulf princes in the Jurassic World universe who will pay big

Betsy DeVos beat her by this much for the Secretary of Education job.

each candidate will be interviewed by judges about their “achievements and goals in life, and how she will use her talents, passion, and ambition to perform the job of Miss America.”

You are so smrt!


Q. Why is comedy in 2018 like late-career Woody Allen?

And that little girl grew up to be...Elon Musk.

A pre-Beouf preboot, if you will.


With this knowledge, it’s so much more emotional watching Lando re-enter the Falcon in Return of the Jedi. I hope they add a suggestive engine rev in the next remastered edition.