
Chess ko, Reid mah bukee - tah-koh tee womp rat e’nachu.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3: Intergalactic Apology Tour.

The A.V. Club

Right on, Roseanne. Before the so-called ‘tolerant left’ goes condemning people who slip up, maybe they should consider that they might have been taking Ambien, eating hot chili, or being too wealthy.

We should have expected this when the Republicans appointed Monty Burns as a senior strategic adviser.

After season four’s mixed bag, this sounds hopefully like a solid upgrade from ‘Sell’ to ‘Don’t Buy’.

Having seen Terminator Genisys, I can testify that she occasionally struggles to do an impression of a human being.

And here we all thought Netflix’s nostalgic comfort blanket programming strategy peaked with the Gilmore Girls revival. Points for ambition, I guess.

It’s like Dickens said: we forge the chains we wear in life.

Man, those spambot news alerts for ‘squirmy grifters’ and ‘shady, scam-happy group’ are really paying off.

Naturally, that was Scully’s explanation.

And who can forget the season two X Files episode that played on this mythology, and that gave us this chilling glimpse of David Duchovny’s future?

Ain’t nothin but a contractual obligation in their cross-platform promotional portfolio.

Free marketing idea: advertise the next season as

I’m not sure if it spoils some twist in Manifest, but that ‘child’ is clearly character actor Patrick Fischler de-aged by CGI.

‘Manifest’ is a synonym for ‘register’, which this kind of behaviour could land you on.

“I’m not even going to look at the screen.”

“Get outta here, kid. My name ain’t Han Duo.”

J’accuse, CookingWithCranston! That italicised tie in your first sentence was clearly cheap pandering to our memories of the original trilogy Imperial starfighters.