
See, now that closing sentence just makes me want to see Jon Favreau’s version of Swingers set in the seedy nightlife of Coruscant. Vince Vaughn would be perfect as an older Elan Sleazebaggano.


The character in Y was named after a woman spy in George Washington’s Culper Ring, so that may be the connection. For more information, see the cabbage-farming historical drama Turn.

Visual Metaphors 101: A train rushing into a tunnel means that someone is doin’ it. Now go watch The Polar Express again.

Variety reports the movie will feature the aforementioned actors as “a troupe of spies in the tradition of The Bourne Identity or Mission: Impossible franchises, and definitely not in the tradition of the Charlie’s Angels franchise because while it’s the obvious comparison for a film about a group of superspy women

If this isn’t some elaborate ARG marketing for the upcoming film about lovable thief Ant-Man, it should be.

NBC News lets itself off the hook in Matt Lauer probe

Why don’t you come into my office and I’ll give you an in-depth explanation, sweetheart? Haha, no, don’t worry - the door just does that sometimes. It’s not like it’s locked or anything. 


Yeah, the British Raj is an excellent choice for a morally-bankrupt power fantasy setting. Advertise it in the Daily Mail or Telegraph tomorrow and you’d be booked solid with geriatric Brexiteers nostalgic for when ‘everyone knew their place’.

It’s a modern manifestation of the Mandela Effect. Ask most people and they’ll say they have a vague memory of him dying when he was thrown down a giant shaft while shooting lightning from his fingers.

BREAKING: The new antipope Rihanna has fled to Avignon, been given sanctuary by the French crown, and issued a rogue encyclical, Ego sum iens ut facere vos sentio ut EGO sum solus papa in mundo. Pope Francis is marching north at the head of ten thousand stout Swiss mercenaries.

Poor old Mr Collins should have known that drinking coca-based beverages in the polar regions attracts CGI bears.

“Bill O’Reilly, thank you for joining us. As has become traditional on the show, I’m going to begin with one simple question: chicks, man, am I right?

The early production stills look oddly familiar.

Sure, it’s cool when gamers do it. But when I try to beat off a ceaseless discharge on public transport, I get arrested.

‘Flashing Neon Breadcrumbs’ is also the title of William Gibson’s upcoming cyberpunk recipe book.

But perhaps most importantly, during all this the Agents of SHIELD have been...also doing stuff. Very important stuff. 

“First, Marvel witnessed the Age of Science - then, the Age of Miracles. Now, with the defeat of Thanos, the MCU enters the Age of Aquarius. I mean, they beat the big bad guy, right? So, we’re thinking lots of peacefully skipping about in meadows making daisy-chains while someone plays psychedelic guitar.”

Vulture relayed Cameron’s remarks (though “hypergonadal” becomes “hypogonadal,” for some reason)