
But I think that law is pretty much defunct since they chose not to prosecute Madonna.

Sherlock’s lasting achievement will be that in just 12 episodes it reached the same level of smug, masturbatory, meta, self-referential self-satisfaction that it can take other cult shows decades to hit.

He devotes quite a few of them to it, and even more to the important life lessons he learned at the side of grocery store manager Harry Howell, who managed a high-school-aged James Comey with “with compassion and understanding.”

I used to enjoy Wolf Blitzer before we found out about the lead singer’s neo-Nazi connections and that murder at the festival in Oslo.

Kenner, just in case we get killed, I wanted to tell have the biggest dick I’ve ever seen on a man.”

Yeah, The Shadow was great fun. And as for

Eric Draven, Lee’s character

...and having read this expert cost-benefit analysis, senators, it should be obvious to you why we must once again slash NASA’s budget.”

The trial is also getting dragged out because everyone called to the stand has to scream:

I’m surprised that no-one has picked up on this yet, but if my Latin is correct then ‘de minimis’ translates to ‘regarding shorties’. Bombshell?

Hey @TheLastKingRibOfScotland, thanks for the awesome comment! When we #disruptthenarrative to create a cool personal #brand, we can ALL be #content. Follow me on Kinja, Insta and Twitter for more of my daily content.

I haven’t seen the word ‘iconic’ used this loosely since Ubisoft were trying to sell Watch Dogs baseball caps.

Hey @sandrodiego, thanks for the awesome comment! I value all the #communityfeedback that drives me to #innovate my brand . Follow me on Kinja, Insta and Twitter for more of my daily content.

Is this music worth rediscovering? The last time Koresh gained a cult following it didn’t end well.

Hey @dirtside, thanks for the awesome comment! Follow me on Kinja, Insta and Twitter for more of my daily content.

Some quality #viral #content from @adampally, there, ensuring a wider media footprint for the @shortyawards with his zany #existentialregret. Like and subscribe for more.

The film should do a bittersweet farewell to Arnie’s outdated Terminator where they lose his charger and realise nobody makes that type any more.

That trailer picture makes it look like the Pixar lamp went rogue, built itself a body, and came back for revenge. That’s a film I would watch.

Given yodeling’s Austrian heritage he does stand a chance of becoming an alt-right totem, like defiantly drinking milk was a while back. “Keep your hip-hop thugs, I’m listening to some real music. Yodel on, young Aryan...