
Tarantino thinks it’s a pejorative term black people have for white people. He misheard it once and nobody has ever had the heart to correct him.

Jesus. It’s almost impressive that Tarantino writes long, hyper-verbose scripts, and manages to do it while typing one-handed.

As young, basically indistinguishable white guys, it’s a miracle they weren’t both cast in Dunkirk.

Sometimes, if you study the apparently random chaos of events, you can hear the deep polyphonic voice of the Universe itself whispering: “No, not Johnny Depp. He’s awful. No, stop.”

In their defence, they couldn’t fund the entire Continental Army from George Washington’s weed business.

[30 seconds later]

“Verily, I cite as mine defence the 1281 Papal Bull Ad Fructus Musa Acuminata.”

I love “didn’t come from a racist family” as an argument. “MY PEOPLE ARE OF PURE NON-RACIST STOCK! ALSO WE’RE NOT EUGENICISTS.”

A good lawyer could spin out a case that his client didn’t throw banana peel because he’s a racist, but because he’s a silent vaudeville comedian from the 1920s.

[Spielberg] was so nice… but he said, ‘You know, there’s a sort of movement afoot with our little committee have that part removed from the script. Or at least to have the character rastafied by 10 per cent or so.”

Then there was the time Ernie the Kinja Tech offered the AV Club a million dollars to fuck its comment system.

...not that I have anything against belief systems centred around mythical evil lords and volcanoes. (That covers both your bases, right?)

Look, if an industry veteran like Cameron hasn’t learned how to pronounce capital letters and italics, it’s his own fault when he gets misinterpreted.

Sounds like James Cameron was so preoccupied with whether or not he could include blue genital-haired aliens, he didn’t stop to think whether he should include blue genital-haired aliens.

Do you want to be the Symbionese Liberation Army, or do you want to be L. Ron Hubbard?

Some good can still come out of this if, when the story gets turned into a trashy TV movie, they call it The Secret World of Allison Mack.

Meanwhile, H.P. Lovecraft remains undisputed champion in the category of Great Non-Euclidean Novel.

Ugh, everything’s a prequel these days. Thanks, but I’ll just listen to 99 Luftballons again.

Close. It’s actually just entering the Konami Code into a standard digital alarm clock.

You misspell ‘Meincraft’ one goddamn time...