
She suddenly remembered Nicole Kidman at last year’s Oscars, and promptly forgot how to clap.

It does seem to be troublingly pro-fingergun, at the very least.

The deep grottos whisper his name!

Wait, wait - in this remake it’s a woman being relegated to the status of an undesirable second-class citizen because of her age? Nobody will buy that, Hollywood.

“Frank Underwood died on the way to his home planet.”

Yeah, this review just reinforced my Sense of Doubt about him.

I’m shocked - shocked! - that no-one has rushed here without reading the article to make a hackneyed joke about Chastain being cast as Pennywise because she’s a redhead. I didn’t want to have to be the one to do it, but damn it, it was right there.

It’s not quite a mop, and it’s not quite a puppet, but man...

[Right-wing baby Twitter starts campaign to petulantly fling Black Panther teddies out of their prams.]

I didn’t get the grades for whore school, but clown college turned out to be a decent safety.

Surprisingly similar to the process for writing a popular AV Club comment. You just have to replace all the options in the right-hand column with a single

I hear it’s like being gassy, but in your heart.

...other alleged instances of Weinstein’s predatory behavior, including telling employees “I will kill you,” “I will kill your family,” and “You don’t know what I can do.”

Netflix may think it can play with the big Hollywood studios, but it clearly has a lot to learn about force-feeding hormone blockers to your child stars to delay puberty. Sam Goldwyn would have had it written into their contracts from day one.

God help me, not a day goes by where I don’t think about that nondescript black baseball cap.


You should get in touch with Bill Clinton. If anyone knows where to get that much Tang, it’d be him.

Proving yet again that Wikipedia is not a reliable source, there doesn’t seem to be any section devoted to deaths caused by coconuts dropped by swallows.