
its like an old persons way of saying AF like instead of interesting AF theyd say hhmmm v interesting

Stop giggling at my FLÄNJ coffee table.

Great. Now on top of all the other stresses of an IKEA visit, we have to watch out for the starved corpses of idiot would-be YouTube stars in jammed-shut cabinets.

Okay, but Henry V who? Superman? Predator? Don’t leave us hanging.

You wanted Four Rooms!”

Guess those expensive escorts can take a night off. For once, Tarantino put his own foot in his mouth.

“The key to Han Solo, kid, is that he’s secretly high all the time. Just run with that.

Eh, Simpsons did it.

But with Venom, the people being torn apart are quite literal.

The weirdest example of this Mandatory Tourist Photo I ever saw was the long queue of people at the Taj Mahal waiting to recreate a famous picture of Princess Diana alone on a bench in front of it. You want to imitate a shot that became iconic of a miserable, disintegrating marriage?

Welcome to the life of a kindergarten teacher.

Also, if you squint, can we be absolutely sure that ‘Arie Luyendyk Jr.’ isn’t actually Jimmy Hoffa?

“How many more weeks of winter? For you, human, the answer is: none.”

A series about heroic border patrol agents would definitely be timely.

“Okay! Let’s see your results. ... My God, that spine is completely extruding! We need to get you to the- Oh. Ah, sorry. I had...paused on a Fatality in Mortal Kombat.”

Yeah, PC culture sucks! With their endless driver updates and DRM. Xbox 4 life, sonn.

“You! Groundling! Stop rustling that bag of roasted chestnuts and listen to the soliloquy.”

Just a quick quality-of-life suggestion, AV Club: maybe don’t use autoplay videos when erotic fan fiction is the subject?

Hot tip: You can generally predict if a movie is using the Shakespearean five-act structure, because it will start with a guy in a ruff telling you where it’s set and who the main characters are.