
Apart from all the good it hopefully does in the wider culture, MeToo is already doing sterling work whittling down my guilt-inducing backlog of ‘must-watch’ TV shows.

Has Rick ever owned a bear?

his last film, London Has Fallen

Give a beach ball to a cow some time and you’ll understand the difference. They’ve got no control, no flair, and their balance is for shit. Seals, on the other hand...

throughout his hour-long interview, this bracingly cantankerous, late-career Dave pops up to gibe his illustrious guest along with himself, often simultaneously. After Obama confesses to some all-thumbs Ikea assembly when dropping daughter Malia off at Harvard, Letterman responds to Obama mocking him for using the

I feel like this reassessment is an ongoing process. Audiences today, for example, can watch Hitchcock’s Vertigo and struggle to see the rollicking romantic comedy that ‘50s audiences enjoyed.

Well, if you grind up enough baby seals you’re bound to find some useful by-products.

[Stephen Miller goes on CNN, makes vigorous ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ counterargument.]

Frankly, I’m more offended that he didn’t take the opportunity to retract his praise for the Norwegians, those seal-clubbing, herring-obsessed perverts.

Infinity War II could have been avoided altogether if the Avengers hadn’t imposed such punitive measures in the Treaty of Xandar.

Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest explanation here is probably the right one: he and Jaden have gone through some kind of Freaky Friday body swap.

Dear filmmakers,
If I’m honest, I probably won’t see this film, because I’ve always thought Venom was the posterboy of lame late ‘80s/’90s XTREEM comics characters. I will, however, reconsider if you agree to have the end-of-second-act hero’s-darkest-moment scene scored to ‘Poison’ by Alice Cooper. Thank you for your

Sit down. I have some bad news about the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.

That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.

[Does some cursory Googling, gasps.]

Do you regret working with Woody Allen on [insert film here, real or just made up to confuse them]?

When John Williams sat down to compose ... The Last Jedi, Williams ... muddled ... notes, to ... tip them off that “this is not ... the way ....”

Millie Bobby Brown’s acting success is especially impressive when you consider how she overcame the expectations raised by her name that she’d grow up to assassinate a president or celebrity.

From the White House, to a news website, to a couch in his mom’s basement, and all in less than a year. If Bannon keeps this up, he could be ranting at passing cars in an underpass by spring.

That’s been obvious ever since they gave post-scandal Troy McClure that Lifetime Achievement award.