
“And how can you libtards claim Mister Bannon is a ‘white nationalist’ when he practically embodies diversity? On his very own face he has at least four distinct skin colours, ranging from pasty to a deep puce.”

And Deadwood managed to pull off that message of interdependence in a Western genre more generally associated with the myths of rugged individualism, the lone gunslinger, the up-by-their-bootstraps settler etc. It’s simultaneously a hymn to the attractiveness of those ideas and a working-out of how you can’t actually

But DiCaprio already played a huckster conman in Catch Me If You Can.

If they’re looking for historical inspiration on how to kill off an influential court mystic, D&D should read up on the murder of Grigori Rasputin. Should be bloody enough even for Game of Thrones.

We are all still on the farm. The farm never ended, just as it never began.

Caligula as the untouchable psycho son of Mr Big. Cicero as the ambitious DA. Suetonius as a muckraking reporter.

Are we still using The Walking Dead season 2 as the gold standard for narrative dead air, or has it been surpassed by anything else since? I felt like I knew every blade of grass on that goddamn farm.

“Sometimes I feel like all of America’s 9/11 angst is playing out on our screens.”

Was 9/11 a shot in the arm for the ‘respectability’ of genre shows in general? Ones like Deadwood, Battlestar Galactica, and even The Sopranos as a crime drama all arguably had an advantage over their counterparts in being able to tackle War On Terror angst in slightly heightened, abstracted settings. Meanwhile, who

I may just watch footage from the RNC instead. Hey-oooh.

This could be the foundation of a groundbreaking bipartisan deal. Hillary releases her emails, but Trump releases his tax returns, but she admits she ordered the death of Seth Rice, but he admits that he wants an ethnostate, but she admits that she rigged the Democratic primaries, but he admits that he colluded with

“Now Sean, looking over your CV we couldn’t help but notice this blank space in early to mid 2017. Could you explain that?”

One of the defining conflicts of the ancient world was #teamodysseus and #teamgilgamesh.

Counterpoint: Everyone mentioned in this article should get off my lawn.

Bran becomes a robot! Maybe Tyrion gets a cell phone.

EDIT: Inadvertent double post because of Kinja (spit) deciding I was posting again rather than editing. How are we supposed to make weak Simpsons jokes then punch them up afterwards? How, Ernie?

Among the other benefits of being shrunk, you can send your kids to the Derek Zoolander School for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too.

In what’s sure to be a devastating blow to the “hot ‘n’ spicy pizza guy” subgenre of pornography

For those wondering about the title: like all Long Islanders, young Jerry only earned the right to use his full name after slaying a wolf in the mountains on his 18th birthday.

To be fair, we’ve all had that experience where you can’t open your blister plastic knife packaging, so you buy another knife to cut it open, but that one is in plastic too, so you buy another one, and so on until your house is full of knives and your wife leaves you.