
If a Nazi this unbelievable and incompetent had been in charge of burning down the Reichstag, history might have been very different.

It was a big, obvious, ham-fisted narrative decision that was completely lacking in subtlety and, most likely, proper dragon science. 

#drama On Infinite Earths.

If there’s a bright side to all this New York-based inane pseudo-philosophical musing, I guess it might be driving Jonathan Safran Foer out of business.

Frankly, I’m disappointed to see the AV Club indulging in this kind of paranoid fantasising. If we devoted as much energy to promoting economic growth, stable elections, and human rights north of the Wall, none of this would even be an issue.

Just as the tragedy of WW1 was followed by the Spanish flu pandemic, so Kinja is just a prelude to CancerAIDS wiping us all out.

Are we absolutely sure this isn’t a scene from this week’s episode released early by the hackers?

I enjoyed the Baroque Cycle, but he definitely has those tendencies. For real masturbatory bloat you can’t beat Reamde, where all the interesting ideas are buried behind pages and pages of dull gun talk. That man needs an editor, and that editor needs a blowtorch.

Marks off for not inserting a record scratch when Max says “...and I’m in love with you.” We would also have accepted a dog reaction shot.

Excited by this timely new How To Do Shit feature! Maybe you could have one on web design.

I know it seems like HL3 will never happen, but remember: if you keep the faith, persist, and never lose hope, sometimes you get a miracle like Duke Nukem Forever.

Dishonored 2 has such a rich, cluttered world that I wish it had a story worthy of it. It does some interesting things with non-signposted narrative choices you can make, and there are obviously some standout levels from a mechanical point of view, but I wish I could have cared more about the plot tying it all

Additionally, there’s his famously ambiguous “death drive,” the idea that we’re all constantly struggling with an inner tendency toward destruction of some sort.

I hope you’ve built up a high tolerance for bad puns.

And yet, if he does delete that tweet, it will probably be because of pressure from his evangelical base. They won’t stand for this heretical Copernican ‘eclipse’ nonsense.

If repeatedly pointing out how awful Trump is works as well for Clinton’s memoir as it did when it was the main plank of her campaign, I predict excellent sales for The Art of the Deal.

This article fails to answer the big question: do Grown Ups and Grown Ups 2 both make the list, or are they counted as one film?

A rushed, hard-to-follow mess which consistently alienates its audience.

I’ll look out for the book he writes in prison, Whine Kampf.

It’s worse than that, I’m afraid: you’re in Limbo, the discredited Catholic afterlife for unbaptised babies. On a related note, do you know how to change diapers?