
The twist here is that you’re not in the greys, as you feared, but...

“...that’s the mix we’re going to get for the foreseeable future: a combination of known horrors, unknown horrors, and things we never accounted for, because we never thought we would get this future.”

[Looks around nervously, cups hand around mouth and whispers:]

We all remember that harrowing scene where the sworn brothers of the Night’s Watch stabbed him repeatedly while intoning “Yeah, it’s not working out” and “It’s just a really tough time in the economy”.

Can you hear it? Can you hear the trumpets of the Kinjapocalypse? They sound like…that sweet Laurel Canyon sound…

It's taking longer to die than a tragic Italian opera singer. Wrap it up, Don Giovanni, we've got trains to catch.

When the Change comes, Kinja will kill all our sinful nested comments and let Ernie sort them out.

Can you feel the glory coming, people? Can you feel its heat approaching? Our humble upvotes will be transmuted into stars! Our vile avatars into perfect grey forms! Repent! Love each other! Make a Simpsons reference!

I hear our bodies will be transmuted into pure light, and our minds rendered like unto those of the gods! Better fortify ourselves for the wonders to come with a sweet, refreshing Kool-Aid.

He followed it up with some sort of personal attack on Trump and Kushner, which was apparently vile enough that CNN refused to print it.

Our lawyers have asked us to emphasise that Black Samurai is in no way affiliated with the Tracy Jordan Institute for Black Karate.

Oh, absolutely. The show has spent six seasons training viewers to expect certain things in its universe (slow travel, slow-burn plots culminating in sudden violence, long two-hander conversations about capital-p Power), so this season is definitely a gear change. I just think some kind of escalation like this was

"We're all going north of the border to get super-laid, brahs!"

I think there could be a sitcom in that!

Donald Rumsfeld, poet laureate of the War On Terror, would like to remind you that "known unknowns" is actually a pretty useful phrase.

Counterpoint: I came here to bitch and moan and make racist jokes, and you all sicken me.

It's the poor schlubs in the royal mint you've really got to feel sorry for. They barely had time to get Joffrey's weasel-like profile right for the coins, and then Tommen, and now Cersei…

Honestly, I'll take implausibly quick travel over the sheer trudging drudgery of something like the book A Feast For Crows, which in my memory consisted of Brienne riding endlessly across a muddy landscape while peasants died by the side of the road, all so GRRM didn't break his who-gets-where-when rules.

I am not a communist. I may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but I am not a porn star.