
I can't believe Google is paying $97/hour for KILLING THE NIGHT KING JON SNOW GAME OF THRONES

Many people might feel the risk of violence is outweighed by the certainty of surrendering the streets of their city to neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

The 1930s are calling, and they want their ominous geopolitical issues back.

Some Guy, I Can't Remember His Name, But He's A Great Credible Guy (historian)

"Necromantic-skull-of-Steve-Jobs-that-they-keep-in-a-vault-under-Apple-HQ, you've done it again!"

"Dumb, low-energy burghers say I'm bankrupting kingdom building big, beautiful Neuschwanstein Castle. Traurig!"

Not a lot of people have noticed, but after all the ridicule I reckon his ties are getting subtly longer and longer too. In a year, he'll need some pageboys walking behind him carrying the end.

This is also why the best way to oppose him may be a directly-targeted healthy eating campaign, urging him to lay off the cholesterol and fatty foods for the sake of his heart. He'd go full-on Vegas Elvis, just to spite everyone.

The thing is, Trump's instinct when criticised is always to hit back and double down. It doesn't matter what kind of heinous, ridiculous position it forces him to adopt and defend - hit back and double down! Don't give an inch!

I hear he sleeps nude in an oxygen tent.

Many apologies, Sam. Here's the revised script with your scene. Happy? Best, KF.

The story builds to an emotional, action-packed climax in which a giant ape climbs some scaffolding and throws barrels at a plumber.

"This Halloween, we'll be spooooking viewers with a horrific tale of mortality and decay, as we look back on the last 20 seasons of The Simpsons."

I'm puzzled by your choice of Top Gun song, when 'Playing with the Boys' by Kenny Loggins is clearly the film's love theme.

The mailbox was Haldeman!

I think the permit line plays to the broader far-right narrative of them being the rational, rule-following, 'science'-based ones opposed by hysterical, emotional liberals. Get in any argument with them, and eventually you'll hit a disingenuous phrase along the lines of "Show me a study that says that", putting the

work on it won’t properly begin until Game Of Thrones is done anyway—so HBO is probably just hoping that the backlash will blow over by then

"Nobody ever gave my great-grandpappy a handout when he was running his small family business. And by 'family business', I mean he bought, bred, and sold off families."

Is that what all those 'How To Date Kellyanne Conway' ads were about? Huh.