
Worst casus belli since the War of Jenkins' Ear.


The man in black fled across the desert and nobody bothered to follow.

Amadeus all a favour and pretend you didn't say that.

For anyone wondering why she had to use synthesisers instead of just opening and pouring a real bottle of Coke, I refer you to the experts.

Everybody got drunk and schismed at the last conference.

The real problem here is how the international golf media is controlled by the Scots, who get to push their globalist, intestine-eating, skirt-wearing agenda on all of us just because they invented the sport.

The monster-punching is learned behaviour from an abusive father.

This better not awaken anything in me.

Also potentially problematic: as this will be Pacific Rim War II, history tells us the first act will be about appeasing the kaiju and letting them stomp all over the Sudetenland.

"Maybe I'll go on his show and give him his best-ever ratings, what do you think folks?"

Certain anonymous waistlines in the White House have corroborated that detail.

"I also talked to Reagan - President Reagan - great president, maybe the greatest president - and he said 'Donald, Donald you're doing a tremendous job. Better than me. You're doing better than I did.' And he was very nice to me. Sarah, why are you shaking your head like that?"

It was her precise wording when she quit that's painted her into a corner here.

The scriptwriter has been doing extensive research in some of the seamier Tijuana bars.

If this plays out like the Hook rip-off it sounds like, I'm hoping there's an intensely uncomfortable scene where Eeyore tries to seduce Robin.

Turns out when they accuse someone of being a 'globalist', it's far more literal than we thought.

Don't push your luck with that guy, or Hale-Bopp you on the head.

Oh sure. Romulus, Alderaan, Pluto…go nuts.

I bet it will turn out that NASA are a bunch of melodramatic dweebs, and 'planetary protection officer' is just their name for the person who does the office recycling.