
“Don’t worry about that baby – I love babies,” the Republican candidate said, to the mother of a baby that had started crying during his stump speech. “I love babies. I hear that baby crying, I like it. What a baby, what a beautiful baby. Don’t worry, don’t worry. The mom’s running around, like, don’t worry about it,

Or one of Ted Cruz's daughters gets him after feeding him a suspiciously oily pie.


Avoiding catching that was, like, my own personal Vietnam.

ArgieBargie's not on board.

But without a royal family, who performs ribbon-cuttings at your schools and shopping centres? Who lives in opulent idleness in your large country estates? Whose face do you print on commemorative plates?

[Justin Bieber hires high-powered team of lawyers to figure out how he can get someone to sue him for having too big a dick.]

This is the best thing McDonalds has done since they got rid of all those dangerous, disease-ridden rainforests.

Rump Pebbles.

Things are so backwards, it's like they take their rules from…dear God…from Soviet Russia.

He'll be back. Once you Reince, you're bound to repeat.

Meanwhile, Trump has promised to find him a younger, hotter wife, a really tremendous wife, just tremendous, and hotter.

There's a closer connection than you might expect between the old worst damn thing and the new worst damn thing.

If the script has been rewritten to the extent of setting the movie back in the '50s, I'm going to assume this has only a homeopathic level of that Coen brothers feeling.

Baby Driver stole Bourdain's screenplay idea for a movie about a young getaway driver. He called it: The Car That Couldn't Slow Down.

Post-Election Article Where Our Intrepid Metropolitan Reporter Ventures Into Trump Country: The Novel.

I've seen straight-to-DVD American Pie sequels you wouldn't believe.

Believe me, you don't want the sequel they had planned. Look up 'Gladiator 2', and prepare to boggle.

After the interview, Ridley Scott thought to himself: "Man, George Lucas. That was a hell of a pair of sequels he made. I wonder what he's been up to since 1983?" He turned to Google…