
Or, in Marco Rubio's case, as a sustainable supply of hair oil.

Stay tuned after the watershed for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence…Nights. Be warned, it can get…pretty blue.

Trump tweets his hot take:

If you freeze-frame, you can see exactly the moment the last shred of his dignity withers away into dust.

"That would intensely arouse my c - [pauses to cough - world holds its breath] - curiosity."

"I'm glad that you completed that investigation, but something something Russia something something her emails something something let's keep talking about endlessly."

Needs more dogwhistle racism, but solid.

Comey: "It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but then I'm [not a cretinous, megalomaniacal man-child]."

Corporations are people too, my friend. But they can't be charged with crimes, because that's basically communism.

[Puts hand over microphone, leans over to hear lawyer's whispered advice.]

Comey thinks he's such a big shot, getting to go for a ride in a helicopter. Pfft. I've ridden in a helicopter.

"West Virginians have sent me over 600 questions for you. Joe, from Huntington, asks: 'WTF u hatin on Trump u asshol #MAGA #fakenews'"

But her Princes in the Tower…

*freedom fries, you pinko.

"Continuing our medieval history references, would you agree with a characterisation of the president as a deformed, prematurely born, rooting hog, a poisonous bunch-backed toad?"

I'm getting a very comforting Richard Dreyfuss vibe from him.

"Mister Comey, I notice that you have a glass of water on your desk. Would you agree that staying hydrated during public appearances is very important and totally normal and only a big poop-head would make fun of someone for it?"

I knew this all came back to Barack HUSSEIN Obummer! Russia is just a patsy here for the all-powerful Kenyan intelligence services.

The cast of Clarissa Explains It All!

Look, let's let's dispel with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesn't know what he's doing. Marco Rubio know exactly what he's doing.