
For the thousands of dollars a good PC and VR setup costs, I'm sure you could just find a real meth lab willing to let you help out.

Fun tip: National Doughnut Day is a religious holiday for all cops. Go do some crime!

They said his speech had too many strange intonations and pauses to be a horse whisperer. He…provedthemWRONG.

They should take some tips from Shakespeare, and start each episode by having two comic relief guards discuss all the battles, sieges, and marriages that have taken place off-screen.

To save time, they could just have the last season just be real-time footage of the Seven Kingdoms being slowly buried beneath a glacier. It was a climate change allegory all along!

"Git 'er done"?

She shouldn't have crossed the Acme Corporation.

Still dominating competitive eating competitions, thank God.

Any kind of sports or competition can be high-stakes to the child involved, though. I don't think the experience of winning and losing is something you should deny kids, so long as the parents help them keep things in perspective.

Stupid kids, so full of hope and promise. We should really fuck up the planet, just to show them.

"I feel we should social mediafy this reboot by…ten per cent or so."

Right now, I'm willing to put money on his "your-name is-what?" introduction including a Miley Cyrus joke.

"Hey, the place where I skim all my news said he was clearly the best candidate."

"Yes, Black Lightning will be separate, but it will definitely be equal. … Why are you all looking at me like that?"


[Bill O'Reilly nervously gets some contractors in to cover up the power core shaft in his rec room.]

Some network exec obviously saw Hail, Caesar! and was inspired by Scarlett Johansson's fishass.

Plus, all those women wailing for their demon lovers would definitely have been frowned on in the 12th century.

Has anything GOOD ever come of an exorcism?

Let's just agree that all humans basically look the same without their skin, flesh, fat, and muscles, and all that stuff dissolves off really easily, so what's ultimately the difference?