
After the abolition of fact-based science, climate policy will get a lot more glitzy and entertaining.

I call it…The War That Couldn't Slow Down.

Because love is the “toughest sport of all“—according to ABC, anyway…

You stole my idea for a gritty Yogi Bear reboot.

Old, old joke: How does Bob Marley like his doughnuts?

Well, I've outed myself as a filthy dweller in the Regions In Which This Video Is Not Supported.

Given Trump's obsession with ratings above all else, someone should casually mention to him what incredible numbers Nixon got for his resignation speech.

What has Angela Merkel got to do with all this?

The Silicon Party. They're 'disrupting' traditional politics, which is cutting-edge slang for throwing money at undermining it until it breaks.

Don't Trust the R***h in Apartment 23.

[Falls to knees in anguish.]

If they're going to recast, I hear Michael Gambon is available and up for this sort of thing.

Again, Jessica Chastain.

Jessica Chastain.

The season finale leaked, and apparently we all die at the end.

I liked this show better when it was called The Nazis: A Warning From History.

They're grand, tha- heyyy.

If you're ever in Dublin, the National Museum of Ireland has a few bog bodies in a permanent exhibit which is fascinating and morbid. A lot of them were found in turf segments cut by big machines, so they're often sliced clean across the body as well as being squashed all flat and leathery.

She was, in the sense that her father, fan favourite Ugnaught #3, was in it.

If we said the answer had something to do with midichlorians, would that prevent any further questions? It was midichlorians.