
If Luke and Leia were the ones to witness Han's death, I'd like to imagine they could also have included a cutaway scene where Rey and Finn are just silently sitting off at the kids' table somewhere, moodily sipping blue milk and playing Dejarik Junior.

You're saying knowledge was her treasure? What a gyp.

[Trump drops MOAB on Where's Waldo page.]

[Netflix CEO REED HASTINGS approaches podium, clears throat. Cameras flash.]

"If you're reading this job ad, you're too smart for the job, Mister Reader. If you're having it read to you by a friend, you may have too many social skills for the job. If you're having it read to you by an employee who hates your guts…have them read on."

That 'Holocaust centers' gaffe has two possible explanations:

Nazi punks!
Nazi punks!
Nazi punks!
…but enough about the White House staff.

TV's greatest Ra's Al Ghul and shortest-lived Van Helsing!

It's an unpresidented time for the English language.

I wrote an anti-Trump song called Impeachment Blues, and I can't wait for you all to hear it.

And this is why we need a Reposted Dunepedia gimmick account.

Hey, this man adapted American life in the twentieth century into a film. I think he can handle a little sci-fi romp.

[Unconvincing CGI Orlando Bloom waits by the phone.]

Huevos in charge around here should shut it down.

So much for the 'tolerant' left.

So, one of those Egg Council creeps got to Twitter too, huh?

An evil, manipulative religious entity chooses Tom Cruise to be its figurehead in its attempted conquest of the world? Nobody will believe that.

These efforts to get her father to remember she exists are getting embarrassing.

Oh, so Trudeau is adorable, but if I go on Twitter and challenge a celebrity to square up with me, I'm some kind of monster. My offer stands, Dame Judi Dench - any time, anywhere.

Look, Bill O'Reilly is a job creator, okay? HR staff, mediators, lawyers, stenographers…that $13 million represents dozens of people he's keeping in work.