
Zack Snyder says he isn’t going to torture us with a 3-hour Justice League movie

To Kill A Mockingbird, wow, such a moving tale of injustice. Animal cruelty must end!

"Maybe it's to emphasise that she's speaking for herself."

Until the website changes its name to The Audio-Visual-Gustatory Club, I will continue my lonely resistance.

The good news is that she's obviously intellectually and morally bankrupt enough to switch her opinions and get a job anywhere!

"President Donald Trump".

In other jealousy-induced-impulse-purchase news, Amazon has also picked up the rights to Rob Liefeld's Youngblood comic books. Watch out, Defenders! These heroes have the thickest thighs, and the most pouches strapped to them.

Good luck topping the 1994 adaptation of the story. It had Elijah Wood and the Easter Bunny.

Puns are always unNessiessary.

People never take proper cameras Wendigo after him.

Alternative title: CryptozooLowegy.

And it came with a soundtrack by Danny Elkman.

He's been working with top international doin' it choreographers, including your mom.

Moosen Around was the 1992 Canadian remake of Horsin' Around. It starred Luis Mooseman, and only four episodes aired.

According to Ellison, this new stunt is going to be “the most impressive and unbelievable thing that Tom Cruise has done in a movie,”

Man, I can't wait for all the shoehorned-in Trump references when Game of Thrones returns.

This has all obviously been leading up to a recreation of that famous scene where Norman 'bates.

For every Colin Hanks, there's a chance you'll splooge out a Chet Haze. It is the way of things.

"He's dead, son - dead. Just like your mother and I will be one day. Now, who wants ice cream?"

In his draft, the Erso homestead scene featured a lavish meal that lasted 20 minutes.