
Gold Farmer.

Why is the second half of the track just 'Daisy, Daisy' on repeat, accompanied by distant thumping and shouting?

I met with Napper Tandy
And he took me by the hand
And he said "How's poor America?
And how does she stand?"
She's the most distressful country
That ever you have seen,
Sean Spicer is a viral hit,
For wearing of the greenscreen.

[Tugs on line #1. The flesh-puppets that were once the producers of Criminal Minds jerk about nightmarishly.]

the faces look like thick leather masks pulled taut over some sort of mechanical contraption, their mouths moving as if powered by a Rube Goldberg machine being pedaled far offscreen

Trump likes digital ebooks that he can just quickly search through for the relevant information to make his informed decisions. And here, without preamble, I present his leaked Ctrl+F history:

It was that well-known educational curriculum, Who's The Big Man Here? Huh? Huh? I Can't Hear You 101.

Is it a coincidence that he reached his apparent emotional maturity at that age too?

"Of course this was all purely educational. You've, uh, heard of the School of Hard Knocks? This was like an advanced course in that. The School of Me Shooting You."

This sounds a bit too much like the early episodes of Arrow, which in turn leaned a bit too heavily on the early parts of Batman Begins before finding its own feet. I haven't read it in years, but I do remember Matt Fraction's run of Immortal Iron Fist being fun, clever and exactly the kind of thing that would play

She certainly…oughta know.

"I think it was James Joyce who said, and I love this, he said: 'You've got to know when to hold them - know when to fold them'."

I've got an old Irish proverb for you, Trump: Póg mo thóin, amadán oráiste.

I'm not going to lie, HP. We're all adbots here except for you. Also, my sister-in-law couldnt believe that she could earn $400 a day working from home with our simple great $$$ opportunity you can too

In the picture, Mulvaney demonstrates how seniors left starving after the loss of Meals On Wheels can stave off hunger pangs by nibbling on some weeds handily stored in a breast pocket.

Here's a piece of etiquette I think everyone should start enforcing.

"And coming up next on Fake Ellen, we exchange some stiff jokes with Fake German Ryan Gosling."

You got iPhever, boy!

I look forward to Season Two of Stranger Things being filmed entirely in portrait orientation.

I'm taking my pleasures where I can find them in this Year of Our Lord 2017.