
Septon is a major cinephile and Orson Welles fan.

It's a list of birthday presents for Tiffany filed under 'charitable donations'.

"…and in conclusion, two questions now need to be answered by the President. Will you step down effective immediately, given this glaring evidence of corruption, influence-peddling, and tax evasion? And why, dear God, why do you have so much money invested in a used urinal cake collection business?"

"Oh, oh I’m sorry. That’s right, they’re artists, like James Joyce, or Strindberg. Get real kids. You write skits mocking our president to fill time between car commercials."

"November 17th, 1940

Yeah, Cnut gets a bad rap for claiming he could hold back the tide, when in fact he was poking fun at his courtiers' exaggerated flattery of his royal powers.

"Now, I want you to imagine the effect of thermonuclear fire on a soft, bobbling baby's head, just like this one. Have you guys seen T2: Judgment Day?"

Still only a 4 out of 10 on the Internet Twee Quotient. Now, if she had been carrying a puppy in a little backpack…

The BBC has had a stricter 'wear some damn trousers' policy since all the revelations about Jimmy Savile.

Meanwhile, Kim Jong-Un can't even get a look-in on the Korean news cycle, and the poor guy just had his brother murdered.

"12. Discrediting the idea that words should have some relationship to observable reality:
o Approve
o Disapprove
o No opinion
o None of the above words have any concrete meaning until the President tweets them and his staff interpret them for us
o Other, please specify"

INT. newc0253'S BEDROOM

In the sequel, he sues God for the right to bear arms in what Variety calls a "dumpster fire of right-wing Christian Culture War talking-points". Domestic gross $780 million.

Uncle Sam really let himself go after the war.

Think on your own sins, AVC. Some day, a documentary maker may come calling and ask you to read out all your "OF COCK" jokes and fake sequel titles.

It's right across the Narrow Sea from Westeros.

With its foundational text, the Dillwee-ad.

And coming in 2022, Kevin Sorbo stars in Heavenly Father, the story of one man's struggle to live a Christian life.

You have to admit, it's a growing demographic these days. Smart!

Well, it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, but man…hehehe…