
Just wait until he starts clapping opponents in irons. It will be the Clapularity up in here.

Well, her name L'arson does come from the French for "sick burn".

Certainly, the fading of puppy dog enthusiasm is why animal shelters are always so full.

"How about that Trump, huh? His…his hair didn't even feel that good!"

one way or another, the current fevered pitch of political abominations eventually has to slow down or crater out

This St Patrick's Day, you all get to enjoy the traditional Irish pastimes of speculating about what shit your foreign-controlled overlords will pull next, and despair-induced heavy drinking. You're welcome.

Have you heard President Bush's position on Roe v. Wade? He doesn't care how people get out of New Orleans.

"Mon Dieu! Marcel, c'est un dinosaure!"

Damn it, by theme park naming conventions this one was meant to be Euro Jurassic World. It could be set in Paris, and the dinosaurs could get out because security is all off on a union-mandated cigarette break.


[TPs the Fortress of Solitude.]

"You have dictated 'We need to cover up Ben gas seat'. Is this correct?"

I haven't rewatched them since they came out, but I will say that the Hobbit soundtracks are pretty great.

See also: WW1, the War to End All Wars. You can bet there were some pedants in 1939 just infuriated with Hitler on that account.

In fairness, it was 2002, and Coalitions of the Willing were all the rage.

I'm not sure if it's mentioned in the video, but Peter Jackson was apparently very influenced by Zulu - the tension of the build-up, the clear, punchy staging of the action scenes, and, of course, the bit where Stanley Baker tosses Michael Caine.

The best thing about our candidate? He can't be accused of using an email server improperly, because he has no hands.

And watch out this evening, when Trump will post a picture of himself eating a meal prepared by a woman while giving a shit-eating grin and a thumbs up, with the caption "I love the Women!"

This feature is so nostalgic. Remember when the worst we could say of America's elected officials was that they wanted to turn into a giant snake-demon and eat a bunch of kids?