
No glutton! You're the glutton!

A sulky Maher kicks moodily at a can.

"Adjust that Klieg light, and try to rub some of the Vaseline off Mister Kubrick's thighs - we're getting too much shining off them."

These days, it's all about deleting your cache! And the music they listen to, and the language…

And then there was a centrefold of Kubrick's pasty, hairy body draped across a couch, which took three weeks to shoot.

So, naked women are the Coke Classic of 2017. How far we've come.

Now, be courteous!

Not bad, considering.

But…but I thought NBC Peacocked Comedy?

It means that he's looking at all the other shows in the line-up, and this is the one doing all the fucking. This. Show. Fucks.

- "whos ur daddy"

"Someone should have told this guy that if you hold a bunch of political rallies, sometimes people will just give you Purple Hearts. Smart!"

We'll hear all about it when Trump tweets about it. He's got form for referring people to sex tapes.

Meanwhile, Sean Spicer has to settle for an ice cream as his nemesis.

xHamster is now America's #1 site for beating off…


I was hoping this was going to be a Fog of War-style documentary.

If there's any justice, 'The Empty Chair' will be dedicated to Asghar Farhadi.

Let's find out! We're only getting started :)

She'll get the last laugh when the children of her attackers are too illiterate to even use Twitter.