
Because your job is water gun procurement for a large toy retailer, and you're bad at it?

According to my research, the White House has a Yellow Oval Room. I'm sure Trump will be having it tiled and soundproofed as we speak.

Trump promptly confiscated the Super Soakers, and disappeared into the bathroom with them.

In the next installment of The (Roosevelt) Room, Spiering gets on to the pressing topic of how Spicer's sex life is.

There can only be six seasons and one movie.

I hope he also does the impression because it so visibly and wonderfully fucks with Trump himself, to judge by all his pissy tweets about it. Suffer it for la Résistance, Alec.

That includes Messy Mya’s catchphrase “I like that,” which was served as his seal of approval.

[A grinning, spectral JFK saunters through a wall, his head giggity-giggitying, and disappears in the direction of the ladies bathroom.]

He'll always have his sideline as the 'Before' guy in health product ads.

In a just world, every time Bannon visited the White House the ghost of FDR would appear to violently bump against his shins and call him a cockamamie Nazi son-of-a-bitch.

I think it's…trying to communicate. So close to human speech… Get me Amy Adams!

Pro-tip: If you hear imaginary bagpipes swelling in the background and feel a lump in your throat, it's an Adama quote.

Zarek was such a terrifically slippery character and performance. The show and Hatch himself never gave you solid ground to stand on to judge whether the guy was Mandela or Carlos the Jackal, or both. In our hearts, let's imagine he's just faked his death to work a political angle somewhere. RIP

Look, Marvel Cinematic Universe, I know things are bad right now but there's no need to go all "I'm moving to Canada" on us.

I like the idea that in some far-distant, utopian future, curious museum-goers will be able to view an exhibit where this asshole's tweets are still automatically spewing out onto a screen 24-7, referencing long-forgotten but clearly powerful figures like 'Clinton', 'Trump' and 'Pepe'. It'll be the best relic in the

"I will take the Force to Mordor, always."

Hey now. I'm sure Obama also used to snuffle around the Rose Garden licking up termites, it's just that the mainstream media didn't report it.

[Steve Bannon runs out of the room, blubbering.]

But you gained a lot of brothers.

Yes, because of the goop. Wait, what are we talking about?