
Childhood obesity is a hoax created by the Chinese to make America's burger franchises uncompetitive.

Also, coincidentally, President-Elect Trump's go-to response when asked about any country he's never heard of. Just add: "But they're fantastic people. Fantastic. The people. Fantastic people" on to the end.

Relax, everyone. I'm sure the only change will be a little expository dialogue at the start to explain for the millennials what a brick-and-mortar 'shop' is.

Truly, the Neil DeGrasse Tyson of 1970s cinematic dental hygiene.

'Wedge' Antilles got his nickname at the same party.

You always let the Wookiee watch.

ELSTREE STUDIOS, 1976: 6.37pm.

Technology is marvelous these days.

I dream of a day when awful, overrated female stars are equally overpaid in Hollywood.

"Do you even know how much methane gay weddings produce?"

lol Tim Tankerd sure knows some fancy words sounds like a college student smh

the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology reposted the story without comment or analysis.

Fresh off his victory as Glamour's Woman of the Year, Bono is also joining the heist crew.

"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming - so we're getting the teams to whip up some kick-ass breakfasts for Mr Sleepyhead!"

One of those volcanic islands that occasionally rise suddenly out of the ocean?

It's a book, but who has the time to read them these days? Maybe it would be easier to conceptualise if we called it 'a profoundly tragic and shameful listicle of history'.

I propose falafels, just to annoy the 'Ground Zero Mosque' protester assholes.

Paula Deen is offended that they didn't take the opportunity to go all in on the Old South plantation theme, slave waiters and all.

Combining 1. and 3. is what made Footloose such a groundbreaking piece of cinematic storytelling.

On the flip side, the Chinese trailer doesn't seem to have that scene from the US one where Jyn Erso single-handedly confronts a column of Imperial Hovertanks.