
You're saying it's a feature, not a bug?

Fame in the internet age is really like being a brief, doomed favourite of one of the crazier Roman emperors.

A central part of the campaign trail has always been shaking hands and promising to date babies.

You know. The ponies.

Talk about beating a dead horse!

I haven't been this excited since I heard Boba Fett was going to be in Attack of the Clones!

Counterpoint: as a non-smoker, I like the smell of many cigars and will happily lurk downwind of a smoker.

Corrupt Barack HUSSEIN Obama is just trying to make sure he can have a bitchin' leaving party in a few months.

Just wait until the third spin-off, Panza: Origins.

Kevorking nine to five,
What a way to make a li-ving…

But the twist is, we also show the lawyers' personal lives outside the courtroom!

Enough with John Grisham already - what's his brother Kevin up to these days? Did that Urban Fervor movie fall through?

I guess that will make the auctioneer The Man Who Sold The Man Who Sold The World's Sofa.

Since this is a kid-centric show, I guess Gervais will adjust his material accordingly to explain smugly and at length how Santa Claus doesn't exist.

I don't know. The last time we got a tiny, beloved pop culture icon in a lightsaber battle, it was that disappointing Yoda fight in Attack of the Clones.

Sorry bro, Nostalgia Critic says your parents SUUUUCKED lol smh

Or Prince practising his lightsaber moves in his garage.

A trombone cover of Metal Machine Music.

On some level, I hope the record company that ends up shelling out for this finds they've got $35m worth of Prince playing kazoo or something else bizarre and unmarketable.

Remember that thing you really enjoyed? Well, it turns out you were wrong. Adjust your memories accordingly.