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Shia LaBond live-tweets his secret missions, moonlights as an EDM DJ, and is on a precarious zero-hours contract with MI6. He's a Bond for the Millennials!

(Widely-admired Breaking Bad bottle episode 'Fly')fall.

The next film will partner Craig up with a bright-eyed young agent (Shia LaBoeuf) who's always dreamed of inheriting the 007 designation.

As well as the $150m, Craig will insist on full script approval.

The biggest shame is that the bosses actually convinced you they were superfluous before taking them away. I hear John D. Rockefeller had a big vault full of greedily-hoarded 'U's that he would dive into.

As a godless European, the fact that America still has a day honouring the labour movement is so damn weird. You may as well celebrate Buffalo Day.

You got further than me. Earlier in the same paragraph, I reached my limit with this tossed-off 'profundity' (in brackets for extra tossed-offedness!):

[Puts down book titled Reverse Psychology For Beginners, clears throat.]

Alternate Timeline Headline:

Don't say his name, man!

If this is the first step towards us getting a real version of Roy: A Life Well Lived, then I'm all for it.

Is this going to be as confusing as Trump's immigration position? If so, within 24 hours he'll be giving an interview stressing that he likes some bigotry, the legal kind, because you gotta have rules, folks, and maybe they're bigoted in a good way, we have to look at that, for sure, tremendously.

To be fair, The Bourne Emetic sounds like a totally legit Robert Ludlum title.

He was driven out of business by the ruthless Beeper King Dennis Duffy.

[Small, Smiling Pile of Shit], Internet!

He thinks he's SO pretty.

Huh, just another job he landed because he knew someone's Daddy.

I still find that if I'm reading an ebook and really liking it, I end up going out and getting the dead tree format.