
My very first job out of college was at a New Jersey-based nonprofit and those 07 and 08 ZIP codes helped me learn some Excel features REAL quick. 

She doesn’t have to be fall-down drunk to be affected by drinking. I’m basically a teetotaler and a real stickler for following rules, so I’m really biased, but alcohol and swimming in unguarded open water without another adult present don’t mix very well.

It could have been a medical condition, she could have been drinking, she could have gone in headfirst and hit her head, she could have gotten tangled in underwater debris, the water could’ve been too cold and she went into shock, the water could’ve been too hot and she got overheated, she could’ve been underwater and

I also like 1776 better than Hamilton, and there’s a line in Cool, Cool Considerate Men that hits me EVERY TIME, about how “most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor.”

I watched this pretty quickly, since it flies by and is a nice balance to Hannibal, which I’m making my way through one episode at a time. I think they did a great job updating the show and making it really diverse and inclusive. A small detail I really loved was bringing in Morbidda Destiny and hooking her into the

Is that who Mikael Persbrandt plays, because he is VERY much a silver fox. He’s also on Sex Education on Netflix and I love him and his character so much. 

Joan of Arc, who everyone forgets is a saint because of that whole burned at the stake thing

Silverman is someone else whose comedy and persona has changed and evolved over time. Perhaps unsurprisingly it was their appearances on Finding Your Roots that turned my opinions of both Silverman and Kimmel for the better. 

Excuse you, but Heavyweights is neither awful nor formulaic. 

Vince Gilligan didn’t even want them to use the X-Files logo or opening because he wanted people to think that Mulder and Scully just happened to be on Cops. What kind of galaxy brain nonsense was that?

I’ve actually recently purchased things from the JCP in the Manhattan Mall (where I also often use the bathroom) and I gotta say that I still like them for a lot of basics. Their store brands (like Arizona Jean Company) aren’t bad and when I was looking for suits, after striking out at Loft and Ann Taylor, it was the

I mean, we’re all pretty much over Felicity Huffman’s guilt, right? She did the smart thing by getting it over with as quickly as possible, so it was way more of a blip on our radars.

You wouldn’t think wanting children to eat nutritious food and maybe exercise a little bit would be partisan and yet.

Baby Vanja, who will probably grow up to be an artistic moody New Yorker, appears to be blessed with a perfectly round head and itty bitty round ears that resemble thick-cut potato chips.

Now playing

She told the story about getting crabs (three times in this story) a few years ago and it remains one of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard. You could almost see her thinking “why am I telling this story? Oh well, too late now!”

I have not! I didn’t make the trip to London for it (despite being a huge Patti LuPone fan) and unfortunately my tickets were for the March 21st show. They’re planning to come back, but we’ll have to see how that shakes out.

That was Katrina Lenk, who is starring in the now-paused revival of Company (with a female Bobbie instead of the traditional male Bobby). She was DIVINE in The Band’s Visit a few seasons ago.

Honestly, the original is fine, but the sequel is better, if only for the way Franck says “pragnant” and the workout he gives Nina and Annie. 

I don’t wear makeup anyway, but I’ve been showering, doing my hair and wearing clothes that are about a half-step down from my normal business casual every weekday. (I still shower and do my hair, with slightly less fuss, on weekends.)

Wasn’t this particular science experiment a social media trend about a month ago?