
I’ve always found White Christmas to be a melancholy song, but that might be because I think of my grandfather, at 18, in North Africa during WWII probably desperately wanting to be home in New Jersey for a white Christmas. (Along with many other servicemen and women so far from home in 1942.)

When I saw Titanic for the first time, I was 11 and Kate Winslet was probably one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. Now I’m 36 and Kate Winslet remains one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I still can’t believe anyone took anything else away about her physical appearance in that movie. 

Ok I did not realize she was the Taco Bell sleepover girl. She’s definitely been working to go viral for a while.

I know you specifically said last night, but I was VERY excited that Only Murders won for Sound Mixing for “The Boy from 6B,” a TREMENDOUS episode, at the Creative Arts Emmy ceremony. 

I’m not dismissing the idea that ballet feels inaccessible to young people and many BIPOC, but it’s not as if New York City Ballet is commissioning new musical scores that often. A look at this season’s schedule shows lots of things like “All Balanchine I,” “Classic NYCB I,” “Classical NYCB II.” The majority of their

I was a little disappointed in the first two episodes of this season, and worried that whatever made the show sing in season 1 was missing. HOWEVER, I think that “The Last Day of Bunny Folger” was a truly fantastic episode, capturing the loneliness of being an older woman much better than I anticipated even this show

and Brianna McNeal, an American runner who participated in the 2016 Olympics, was suspended from competing for missing a drug test shortly after she had an abortion.

I find Hoffman’s childhood endlessly fascinating to think about. She’s on an episode of Finding Your Roots and I love hearing her talk about her childhood and even find her to be very thoughtful and fair towards her father, with whom she had a tenuous relationship. I think she’s a really interesting and bright actor

William Daniels is an absolute delight. He attended a talkback after the 2016 production of 1776 at New York City Center and was so effusive in his praise for the cast and production. I don’t think I realized exactly how old he is (he’s 94 now), but he was sharp then and seems to still be totally with it.


Who invited Bill DeBlasio to the Met Gala and more importantly why?

I confuse Thanos and Theranos all the time. 

I don’t think she dropped the ball on purpose. Kit wanted it more than she did, and always had. Dottie had just told Ellen Sue a seemingly surefire way to get Kit to go down swinging; there’s no way she would’ve just given up after that. Her sister, a fast and strong and DETERMINED ballplayer, crashed into her at full

There’s a cut storyline where they kissed! The entire cut line is that they kissed, Marla came back to the League (now pregnant, and on a different team), and Dottie was distracted and slid directly into Marla during the game. The scene where she’s crying when Bob comes home was originally supposed to follow that

I’m sure there are plenty of other loopholes that someone could use, but the conservatorship does seem to have been a great way to get around laws that are often put in place to protect money earned by minors. (I’m thinking specifically of the California Child Actor’s Bill, often known as the Coogan Act. Jackie

Ledecky wasn’t the clear favorite, though. Titmus swam faster at Australian trials than Ledecky swam at US trials. 

I think this really hits at what has bothered me about people I know who are very into true crime. A former roommate used to excitedly cheer “MUDER DATELINE! MURDER DATELINE!” when an episode of Dateline about a homicide was on. Her involvement in crime research and prevention started and ended with consumption of

He is very much not my type, but I love Peter from Staten Island. I love his stupid tattoos and am sad he’s getting them removed. I love his terrible taste in clothing. I think because he’s so honest about his baggage, everything about him seems to be honest and genuine. I think he seems like he’s genuinely kind and

I still cannot believe Anderson was offered less than Duchovny for The X-Files revival, let alone A TENTH of what he was offered. I’m probably biased because I think she’s a significantly better actor than he is, but she received more accolades during the original run and she seemed to have a steadier and more

Hyland and Michele were young Broadway actors together, and I bet she has a TON of tea to spill.