
I got my first tattoo, located on my lower back, when I was 19. I’m a swimmer and also work as a swim instructor, so it’s on display more than it might be for some, but it’s still obviously discreet.

If you live with someone who is an angry and emotional drunk, it’s kind of concerning if they start drinking earlier in the day. 

I’m not saying that people aren’t racist and that there isn’t a problem with over-policing of specific populations, but do you have more qualitative data on the calls that were made? Were people actually calling 311 because large crowds were forming (which is dangerous when we’re being told to social distance), or

While I’m not in an abusive relationship, I live with my sister who, until very recently, was drinking very heavily and often gets nasty when she drinks. She and I have lived together for almost six years, and either she got worse, I was worn down, or I’m finally able to acknowledge that what was happening was not

Fran Crippen was an open water swimmer from the US who died during a race in the UAE because of high water temperatures. His death led to some investigations and an update to safety regulations for open water swimming. The mistake wasn’t his, but FINA’s for deciding to go ahead with the race.

This will come in handy that not I communicate with one of my best friends almost exclusively through gifs of Scully and sometimes Mulder.

Sex Education is really stylized for a show that’s incredibly frank and honest in its subject matter. I’m amazed they can pull that balance off so well.

Sex Education is a brilliant show that takes place in a time period that doesn’t exist. The cars are from the 80s, the clothes are from basically every decade from the 70s through today, and I have no idea what time of day it is in any scene. Everyone is all “I have to go home now, it’s late,” and I’m like BUT THE SUN

Doesn’t Klobuchar already breathe fire?

Although I trust that New York will respond a little better, I should’ve known that I would die in a pandemic, as some of my ancestors before me assuredly did.

I was born on the East Coast and I will die on the East Coast.

Didn’t it also come out that Aunt Becky cut a check directly to USC? 


I love that Louise had to ask what a MILF was, reminding us all that she is still an innocent little girl. 

Will it top this version of Call of the Wild?

I had just mentioned to my sister the other night that I hope we get a release date for Season 4 soon. While we didn’t get a release date, it’s exciting to see a teaser! This will have to help tide me over until Season 3 of Sex Education drops.

I’m totally of the mind that if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. That being said, I did think Season 3 was better than Season 2. What is it you’re not into, specifically?

This is a fantastic review, as other people have said. I also think that You’ve Got Mail is a testament to the power of well-crafted thoughts, whether written or spoken. (Almost to an absurd degree; who talks like the people in this movie?)

When I saw the NYTimes headline on my Twitter feed today I had to retweet because I was SO weirded out byand OBSESSED with this story.

I will admit that I was worried about AOC being an early and ardent supporter of a non-Bernie nominee, so I’m really happy to read this.