
This is exactly who I was thinking of. Wouldn’t she already be set with a degree from Stanford? I’m absolutely not in favor of pushing 18 year olds to immediately enter a world of adults, with the pressure that comes from being a professional athlete.

Also where are the copy editors? Her name is spelled Colman.

Thank you! This is fantastic insight, and I really should have realized that female runners tend to peak a bit later than swimmers.

At least the Queen Mother—or whatever it is the British call her—watches the show, a fact revealed by former The Crown star Vanessa Kirby.

I don’t follow track, but I do follow swimming, which I think has some similarities to track. One of the biggest debates that rages in the world of swimming, especially when looking at teenage swimmers (often female) is whether to go professional and forgo NCAA eligibility. There is a relatively small window of

I wish Whitney Houston could have been as happy while she was alive as she deserved. She had good people who did love her intensely, like Robyn and Kevin Costner, but she got the rawest deal with her fame.

It was also a relatively-recent rule change that allowed performers on Broadway cast albums to win Grammys, too. 

So her friends are assholes?

I actually love candy corn, raisins and Smarties. But I concede that Hershey bars are way better.

Well, no. They suck.

Then it shouldn’t have been left in the room, but rather with a member of the concierge team or another office that likely handles these sorts of requests all the time.

I assume the challenge in thinking is that there is also a revenge porn aspect. I can think it was bad that she had an affair with a subordinate and also think her ex-husband is a scum bag who should be prosecuted for leaking nude photos of her. But not everyone can hold multiple truths. 

He is looking VERY Willem Dafoe in the header pic.

I’m not getting married anytime soon, but my sister is an alcoholic who cannot control herself, so I would consider having either a completely dry wedding or one that only serves wine and beer. She’s annoying to deal with when she’s wine drunk, but gin drunk is way worse.

It is important to remember that Farrow’s sister, Dylan, wrote about the “grooming” and alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, Woody Allen. In a piece for the Hollywood Reporter in 2016, Farrow lays bare his personal stake in the movement—his sister’s suffering—and it is this investment that led him

All of those people pleaded guilty, too! She’s digging herself into a big Becky-shaped hole and it’s amazing.

I think the saddest part of this profile is the anecdote about her father:

I was so surprised that on Finding Your Roots they were able to prove that he was mortal.

My parents stayed friendly after they divorced. They’ve now been divorced for 25 years and sometimes my dad just goes to my mom’s house to just hang with her and her boyfriend for a while. My mom also helped us host our dad’s surprise 60th birthday for us a few years ago, and he still comes over for breakfast on

Children should wear sneakers or shoes with some sort of strap that holds them in place. Preferably with good arch support.