
The myth that baking is about precision needs to die. This myth turns off way too many would-be home bakers. Depending on the recipe you can make some pretty big deviations while still getting a good bake. Heck I make bread and pizza dough without even measuring.

Yeah, I’m pleasantly surprised. I don’t particularly like Jennifer Lawrence and didn’t expect her to have such good taste in food.

Not only is she biracial, but she’s smart and eloquent and lovely. The audacity.

This might be the best reply I’ve ever seen anywhere. How niche. How delightful.

+ Me. 

Well my DNA results said I’m 0.3% Sardinian, so how bout that?

There’s been a lot of issues with dimming of the lights on Broadway for the past two years or so. When Jan Maxwell, a rare actor who not only built her entire career in theater, but almost exclusively in straight (that being not-musical) theater, died in 2018, only two theaters dimmed their lights. If a career theater

Zeke the Plumber is from Salute Your Shorts!

That one didn’t fuck me up, but it is the one that stuck with me the most. My sister and I still call each other “Cakes” all the time.

I think you freeze it to preserve it for studying when the Wildlife people come for it.

I watched this with my cousins at our grandmother’s house when I was probably 7 or 8. I think our grandmother rented it for us? Anyway I don’t remember any of it but I’m sure it was totally appropriate for us to watch.

This is amazing, and I have to say that the sheer volume of research they do for Sesame Street is astounding.

My great-grandfather and his brothers became wards of the state and lived in an orphanage on Staten Island in the 1890s/1900s after their father died. Their mother (who was deaf, like their father had been) lived in a workhouse/almshouse in Manhattan until she was run over by a train on her way to see her sons.


Would it be easier to stand on a felled tree with a lugged sole and a heel like that?

I think she might get more than two months, to be honest. I feel like she’s really pissed people off. What she did was arguably worse than what Felicity Huffman did, but Flicka also immediately pleaded guilty and cooperated with the prosecutors.

I do think that Biles is a phenomenally creative athlete, but it seems her body is uniquely suited for the sheer athleticism that female gymnastics demands now.

I would like to specifically call out putting women on a pedestal, because that’s a trend I see a lot among young queer women on the internet, and it has to be called out. Treating women as goddesses who can do no wrong is not feminist, because it isn’t seeing women as humans. 

The Elizabeth Warren/Marine rumor is one of the funniest and most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard in my life. I love how immediately it backfired, though, because we would all root for a 70 year-old-woman to outsex a 24-year-old Marine.

It’s actually a Scandinavian name from Thor. It seems to be most common in Sweden, but there are some German Torstens, too.