
fixed it.

Those brushes have not always been on escalators - and as it happens, there’s a way to see proof of that today!

I think you nailed with the dirty, punk side of things.

That’s exactly the problem with it. It’s always in your line of sight.

I was born in ‘81 and I have a strong nostalgia for the 1970s, so I get where you’re coming from. From the cars of the ‘70s to bands like T Rex to TV shows like The Sweeney, I have a nostalgia for it all even though I wasn’t there for it.

It’s weirdly cringe to see people talking about the ‘80s

Does this screen retract? I wouldn’t want that up there in my face all the time.

Rather than an MR2, I see a cross between an Alfa Romeo 4C and a Hyundai Passocorto, as designed by Lexus.

The Jensen Interceptor has no bad side.

40 Slideshow Clicks Coming in This Article, Because You Keep Clicking Them

I always wonder about people who sit crammed up against the steering wheel when they’re clearly tall enough to put their seat back into a safe position.

They’re actually making this:

What we wanted:

I really thought this was the ONE place sad Tesla stans would have nothing to say

Weird nerds valid criticism dot jpeg

Yup, came to say just this.

So sad

The interiors were already cheap plasticky disappointment cabins to begin with, how much worse are they going to get?

This is the saddest little comment I’ve ever seen on Jalopnik - and you’re on a site that includes commenters who think their personalized Tesla license plates are a personality trait.

The Mercedes W123 had this placement years ago