No, you have it all wrong. This is Tesla’s new One Pedal Driving system. It's innovative as shit.
No, you have it all wrong. This is Tesla’s new One Pedal Driving system. It's innovative as shit.
More like stay away because hockey equipment bags reek of stink, and so will the car.
Touchscreen shifters are a fantastically stupid idea.
It’s sort of funny that we couldn’t help ourselves with the performance possibilities of EVs so we just HAD to make every one of them accelerate like a Lambo.
100%, these aren’t real “deliveries” to regular buyers. This is just to meet their Elon set “end of Nov. delivery”. Total BS PR move to make Elmo feel good.
Who wants to bet that these alleged “deliveries” are still just prototypes they’re handing over to people with Tesla connections to use as long-term testers?
“Will people still be excited enough about a seven-year-old design?”
There is nothing worse than a long trip without cruise to give the foot a break. I picked up a Volvo 940 in Austin TX and drove it home to FL with no cruise, first thing I did to that car was install the factory cruise kit. It was a dealer-installed option on those cars. All pre-wired for it, but many of them don’t…
Ah so you are another kind of problem on the highway
And then back to the left when they speed up, and back and forth....
people who don’t use cruise on the freeway drive me crazy. If you aren’t letting your car control its speed, at least follow someone who is and don’t get in the fast lane please.
100% this. No matter how consistant you think you are going, you are not
I’ll be honest with you, on long trips it’s usually obvious who isn’t using cruise control, and they kind of drive me crazy. Cruise keeps things orderly on the interstate.
That is such a lazy and played out white victim story you’re telling.
bLm woulD hAVe sEt SEvERaL cITiEs oN FIRe bY NoW!!!!!!
So go out and protest it then or something if you care so fucking deeply, Jesus.
Pretty sure we just learned everything we needed to about you, lol
This is bullshit and hopefully he fights back against the airlines.