No one’s got the dashcam footage online?
No one’s got the dashcam footage online?
Any MPG increase you get from anticipating hills is wiped out by all the back and forth decelerating and accelerating you do the rest of the time.
Unless you’re doing 100 mph in an 80 mph zone, I’m ignoring your blinking. If I’m in the left lane doing 85, it’s because the cars to my right are going slower than that. Live with it.
It’s depressing that almost none of those programs let you own them.
Once upon a time, Jalopnik had actual writers who did more than just make “Gawker, but for cars.”
Take a story from another news source, add zero reporting of your own and a bunch of snark. Saves money for Jalopnik, gets people all fired up, drives clicks, win!
Elon Musk wants a lot of things.
From the article:
Setting aside the arguable point of whether there’s anything special about the “tech under the skin,” that’s not luxury.
Tesla does not make luxury cars.
What do deadhead miles have to do with passenger cars?
The “Tesla’s network is superior” is one of the biggest myths that needs to die.
It’s possible for a car to have a good influence on an industry, and be a terrible car at the same time.
Given the number of plot holes in Glass Onion big enough to drive a Toyota Mega Cruiser through, I think this is forgivable.
Rear-engined, is it?
You’re thinking of trademark, not copyright. Neither one is violated by someone making a replica of a movie car for their personal use.
You nailed it when it comes to clean energy and infrastructure. That’s where Japan’s been quietly building up a lead that most of us aren’t paying attention to yet. They’ve been retooling Japan’s national infrastructure for hydrogen, and investing in safer nuclear plants that can make hydrogen production green.
“Wherefore” means “why,” not “where.”
It’s at death’s door, Elvis may not have even used it, and it would take a fortune to make it fly again.