
I have an abiding love for all little MPVs, and this is adorable. 

Grampa? Please come home, your family’s worried about you.

Tesla, for trying to replace the driving experience with Screen Time All The Time

I guess Tom Araya has to update his meme about conservatives being the good guys who never get offended and ban anything huh

I shudder to think of the lumps of car that you would consider attractive. I’m sure I’ll regret asking, but what’s a good-looking car in your eyes?

RIP? Sears Point is still here, it’s just called Sonoma Raceway now—but plenty of people (myself included) still say Sears Point, and everyone knows what you’re talking about. I live just a few miles away, it’s got tons of races going on all the time. NASCAR still races there, too.

Is that your scuba gear, or are you just happy to see me?

Those were definitely good-looking!

That just looks like a Subaru to me

I wonder if Honda will ever make a pretty Civic again.

That commercial has been waiting patiently for 27 years, sitting on the bench, knowing someday its moment would come. Today, that moment arrived.

Counterpoint: the three-door is practical, attractive, quirky, and cool.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the video, I forgot that she also had the whole white-girl-in-Native-American-headdress thing in there

No one would have sex with you unless you lied to them?

Let’s go ask the engineers working on the 2020 Corvette who were also around *checks calendar* 

You misspelled “Mazda 3"

I’d have a Tesla today if it weren’t for two things:

Was it a busy track? Why can’t the owner make a profit running it, do you suppose?

At the rate he’s been dropping the price, the entry fee will be the cost of the whole place soon enough.

Unfortunately an oval track and some bleachers just isn’t that special unless it’s got a built-in audience. The promo video Mister High Rate Payday Loan made for it tries to hype it up, but its biggest brag was “the local TV station came out to see us once.”