
Is that your scuba gear, or are you just happy to see me?

Those were definitely good-looking!

That just looks like a Subaru to me

I wonder if Honda will ever make a pretty Civic again.

That commercial has been waiting patiently for 27 years, sitting on the bench, knowing someday its moment would come. Today, that moment arrived.

Counterpoint: the three-door is practical, attractive, quirky, and cool.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the video, I forgot that she also had the whole white-girl-in-Native-American-headdress thing in there

No one would have sex with you unless you lied to them?

Let’s go ask the engineers working on the 2020 Corvette who were also around *checks calendar* 

You misspelled “Mazda 3"

I’d have a Tesla today if it weren’t for two things:

Was it a busy track? Why can’t the owner make a profit running it, do you suppose?

At the rate he’s been dropping the price, the entry fee will be the cost of the whole place soon enough.

Unfortunately an oval track and some bleachers just isn’t that special unless it’s got a built-in audience. The promo video Mister High Rate Payday Loan made for it tries to hype it up, but its biggest brag was “the local TV station came out to see us once.” 

A lot of commenters here who don’t appreciate the history of the Mera.

It’s such a shame they’re so charmless.

Sliding doors on small(ish) cars is the best thing.

If I could have a Toyota Porte converted to EV, I’d have my daily driver / grocery getter dream car.

Banning private cars from cities right now, and replacing them with lots of streetcars is a great idea. It will be an improvement in the future when big fixed-route buses and lightrail can be replaced, but you’re right, there’s no need to keep the status quo while we wait.

Why should we want a constantly-circling army of cars? Why is that good? When I hear someone propose an idea of cars circling until they’re needed, that’s just traffic. If you think traffic is bad now, just wait until cars literally never park. And traffic, as Taub mentioned earlier, is bad.