
No, it doesn’t. That’s something people who don’t know much about modern Alfas like to talk about, but as an Alfa owner, and speaking to many others, it’s more like a frustrating trope that doesn’t want to die.

Yes, it does.

Then you’ve never driven one.

Nothing beats a manual for feeling connected to the car, but the Giulia is a good answer to the question. The shift paddles are aluminum, huge, and mounted to the column instead of the wheel, Ferrari-style.

The only thing you got right in your comment was “cult-like.”

This is 2019. They’re as reliable as anything else you buy new.

It’s a joke, my friend

It’s not nice to comment about your genitals on Jalopnik.

If anything’s ever called for an Alfa Romeo Stelvio, this is it.

As we all know, the most successful cars always have nice big round numbers in their names.

FCA doesn’t sell any cars?


Flawlessly. I’m an Alfa customer for life if they keep offering cars like this in the US.

That sucks, sorry to hear it. I had a similarly poor experience with the dealer in northern California, which is partly why I shopped 400 miles away. The trouble with being a new(ly returned) brand in the United States is that it’s hard to enforce the quality of the dealerships.

Thank you!

My current car.

Yes, it’s got the 2.3 liter.

Now playing

My car has a beautiful nose that wouldn’t look right with a front plate, so I’ve just been a flagrant scofflaw and left it off for a year now.

New York City does not have alleys, so the trash can’t go anywhere else. That’s just how it’s built.

So weird that the state even gets a say.