

Fully agree. Rory was the most “regular guy” left on the show, if anyone was going to stay, it should have been him. On a related note, could they not find one woman in the entire world who could co-present a car show?

“Every single F1 driver is white except Lewis Hamilton. It must be because The Daily Show pointed it out!

Outdoorsy has a lot of camper vans for rent in the USA, as well as every other size. They’ve been around for years, and have things pretty well worked out. Great option if you need this in the United States.

Counterpoint: Gawker was a hell site.

If you had to get rid of every website on the internet except one, which one would you keep?

All of my favorite cars go for about $2-$5k. Even if I kept half the money for parts and repair (let’s be honest, hiring a private wrenching crew and buying few abandoned shopping malls for storage), that’s enough money to completely corner the market with a quarter million old Subarus, Fiats, and Datsuns. I might

I’ve tried to forget parachute pants. I doubt I ever will.

I had to find out if the voiceover was real—amazingly it is! Also bizarrely , the person who edited the funniest bits into one video ended up in jail for “tarnishing the reputation and credibility” of the co-driver:

You should write up a Kinja post comparing the two! That would be an awesome read. 

I grew up in the ‘90s, and I remember plenty of people with those clothes. Not me, but you know, people.

Outstanding ‘90s fashion.

The amount of force needed to injure Taylor, which car was at fault, none of that changes the number of cars involved, which, to be clear, was more than one.

“Levandowski, who was acting as the safety driver, swerved hard to avoid colliding with the Camry, causing Taylor to injure his spine so severely that he eventually required multiple surgeries.“

“an unfortunate single-car accident in which another car…”

As much as any right-thinking Jalop would wish for a cheap Elise, if it came down to actually spending my own money, I think I’d go for another mid-engine sportscar with a Toyota powerplant in the $7,000 range:

Isthmus too much money.

We’re way beyond any “both sides” argument. That went out the window at least two years ago.

The question is “best-looking” truck, not fastest truck.

Okay, that’s beautiful, and not just “for a truck.”