
Gave you a star for the first truck, then took it away for the second.

It’s pretty hard to beat Marty’s SR5.

I can’t beat that. Have a star.

Shouldn’t you be working?

I appreciate your insightful comments, and will re-evaluate my values and belief systems to accomodate your emotional outbursts.

Sorry you’re offended. Your emotions matter to me.

“consistent with the standard process for such investigations.”

Still waiting for the B1.

The possible optimistic scenarios are comforting to consider, and I hope they turn out to be correct. I can’t believe we’re willing to risk the bad scenarios simply because we’re too short-sighted to think.

Not if the oceans acidify, triggering a food chain collapse. It’s a very real potential outcome, and far more worrying to the habitability of Earth than coastal flooding or desertification.

Tragic but true.

“An ingredient used in cockroach insecticide.”

If an asteroid were on a collision course with Earth in 2040, we’d presumably drop everything to avoid our fate and save ourselves.

1st Gear:

Does NYC not put those huge yellow stickers on your window anymore? I moved away four years ago, but when I left, the punishment for alternate side violators wasn’t just a fine, they also slapped a day-glo yellow sign on your window with industrial adhesive that required an hour with a razor blade and a heat gun to

I’d love to buy an M4 fighter from Lincoln.

Elon’s really taking the Trump-ish behavior too far.

I have the cell version of Series 3, and it’s been a game changer for me. I can go for a run without my phone but still have my apps, and I can even go out for the evening without any phone at all. It’s definitely worth the ten bucks a month.

Weird fetish, but you do you

Pretty sure Theseus wasn’t checking for OEM parts and matching VIN numbers or making sure his ship had factory-standard galley slaves.