Cupid's Rifle

I have a black cat named Bosco (George Costanza's ATM code.) He is half magical, half pain in the ass. I love him dearly.

She's great in The Apartment and Terms of Endearment.

I skip over their most current/popular godawful track on Spotify every time.


I’m laughing! I’m picturing that scenario in my head, and it’s hilarious. As soon as my cat Bosco jumps on the counter, I run over to get him treats. They have us trained well. There is nothing dumb about a cat.

The best ending in my opinion was AHS Coven with Jessica Lange confined to all eternity in a small house with some annoying schlub who couldn’t keep his hands off her. I love you, Danny Huston!

That gif made my day.

In this case, I seem to recall it was Karla's younger sister that they raped and murdered. Blech. I need a Silkwood shower now.

My cat communicates to me that he wants treats by jumping on the kitchen counter and casually knocking shit off. I used to get pissed off about it, but now I just go get him his treats. I'm a slave to my own cat.

Your post was like the "Blueberry Lemonade" Polar Seltzer of comments. I loved it.

I haven't seen it in years. Was it "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?"

That’s exactly what I thought when I first read it too. She may have been bullied and had reached her breaking point. Very sad regardless of the reason.

I read Roger Ebert's review of it in one of his books. He said people (awful men) in the audience were cheering during the rape scenes. All I have to say about that movie after reading that review is NO THANKS.

Burning Love is a national treasure in my book.

How is traumatizing people helping them understand the plight of the homeless and people with mental health issues? MEGA FAIL BOAT.

Her body is ridiculous and I love this song. It's a win win for me. I thought this video was fun and entertaining. I watched it three times. I don't need to watch it 40 to understand it. It's basically Flashdance with a dash of Cats thrown in at the end.


Seriously, I don’t see the big deal. He seems to be quite happy with RiRi now. He's not allowed to have a past (even if it was a year ago?)

If it's not weird, I don't want it.