Cupid's Rifle

Maybe they’re only dummies around you, ha. I really don’t know how it’s possible to have so little common sense and pass these tests. Hopefully these two are smarter than they let on for the sake of their patients. Yikes.

Years ago, my girlfriend was in a Starbucks in Manhattan with Renee Zellewegger. She was talking loudly on her cell phone with her agent about working on a new film (Down to Love) with "Ewan." Apparently, it was pretty obnoxious. I don't call that down to earth.

Did my dad write this?

And it wasn’t just ONE stupid nurse, from the article, it sounds like a fe w of them. What in the world was going through these idiots' heads?

Seriously, you have to have go through vigorous schooling and many challenging exams just to graduate nursing school. How did this dummy slip through the cracks?

What is SNS? I think once Tom got with Luann, he suddenly seemed more attractive to Sonja. Considering she never mentioned him, and we never saw him on the show, taking her out on a dinner date, I’m not buying that this man had any real significance in her life. From how she described their relationship, it was a

I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for somebody losing their fuck buddy. Sonja needs to grow up. The guy wants to be with Luann for whatever reason, so she needs to accept it. They used to get drunk and fuck. That's it. Sonja had never even mentioned Tom until Luann started dating him, and then it was like "Ohhhh,


What a lovely person.

Mine too. *hugs*

Count me in on this. I love animals. I found this story heartbreaking. I felt bad for the people who work there who loved and cared for Pinky.


Thank you for making me laugh at that visual. That would be incredible though to watch.

Ugh, I'm sorry that you have to live amongst that. And I hope they catch that guy, because he's a sociopath.

I’m excited for Bachelor in Paradise. I love that mindless, drunken debacle of a show. It’s like Fantasy Island crossed with MTV’s The Challenge.

I'm white, but I follow Black Twitter, because it's always creative and hilarious. Some of the funniest memes I've seen have been on Black Twitter.

It's the only manicure I get! I'll try not to eat it.

You eat shellac? Are you human?

I’m sure they cut every 10 minutes to bring a make-up person in to blot her.

That's Chet, Chad, Chud, and Chaz.