
This is probably not the right post for the preachy righteousness on a pretty low-hanging obvious position that I’m about to spew here buuuuut: Holy crap, can this dipshit let his son make his own goddam decision and speak for his own goddam self and stop domineering over his son’s future as if it’s just as much about

That’s possible. Or maybe I think he’s a dipshit because he’s a dipshit. The possibilities are myriad.

I have no interest in basketball, but it’s pretty amazing what an incredible dipshit that guy is.

“Waaah, I just wanna read about cars and things that go boom without having to trouble my widdle head with any of the context that goes with it!”

This “oh, now the Democrats think they like Comey?” line got tired pretty quick, but you do put a neat, somewhat fresh spin on it.

Can’t have it both ways. If he’s gonna take outside money, then he can hear from outside voices.

Yep, that’s it! The only source of the ire against this precious snowflake is just how Christian he is.

The Fyre Festival drama is like someone took pure schadenfreude, turned it into a Texas de Brazil, and installed it in my house.

I also had this issue, and would also accidentally type it ‘frye’ festival.

Please tell me you’re making this up, ha

As a former Starbucks employee, this is both hilarious and tragic at the same time. The day I quit that job was one of the happiest days of my life.

Your argument is asinine and obtuse. Did you actually read the article? People weren’t complaining about the mere fact of having to make the wretched drink. They’re complaining about having to make 500 of the drinks without enough ingredients to make them or staff to make them fast enough.

This comment might just be a masterclass in missing the goddam the point. Well done!

Blah blah blah blah

Nuh uh, it’s your fault!

Stopping for 20 seconds?

I just really love cats

So you had to Google the answer, boo fucking hoo. I didn’t have the slightest clue what the answer was either, but I didn’t mind looking it up and learning a bit of foreign trivia in the process. How exactly does getting asked a dumb trivia question that’s not in your spectrum of knowledge hurt the experience? It’s a

You are a crazy person

Final Fantasy XIII is an abomination.